63rd Hybrid Annual Conference
Date and Time
October 21 - 22, 2022
This is a hybrid event. For those who wish to attend in person, the location is the Athens Greece Hellenic American University, Athens, Greece. For those who wish to attend virtually, please see below for more information
Conference & Athens Photos!
Moving Through Together:
Addressing a Changing World
We are so excited to see you in person at our 63rd Annual European Branch of the American Counseling Association (EB-ACA) Conference which will be held in Athens, Greece this fall
Oct 21-22, 2022.
This year's conference theme is "Moving through together: Addressing a changing world." Presentations will address a variety of issues in counseling; reflecting this year's conference theme, and addressing international counseling issues, and tackle social justice and advocacy in a variety of disciplines such as Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Professional School Counseling, Career Counseling, Rehabilitation Counseling, College Counseling, Higher Education Advising, Marriage, Couples, Family Counseling and other helping professionals.
In order to receive CEs, all attendees (in-person & virtual) must complete and submit the proper documentation!
In-person attendees are eligible to receive up to 22.5 CEs. This can be done in a few ways:
Complete and submit an evaluation form at the end of the conference.
This is worth 9.5 CEs.
This must be done within 24 hours of the end of the conference
Evaluations will be sent to attendees via email on October 22nd.
Due to in-person attendees having access to recorded sessions, attendees can complete and submit a quiz per session. ​
All quizzes are to be submitted within 2 weeks of the conference.
Each session and quiz is worth 1.5 CEs. The Key Note session and quiz is worth 1 CE. The Pechakucha session and quiz is worth 1 CE.
Virtual attendees are eligible to receive up to 20 CEs. This can be done by completing and submitting a quiz per viewed session. ​
All quizzes are to be submitted within 2 weeks of the conference.
All quizzes will be located on the EB-ACA Google Drive which will be sent via email around the time of conference.
Each session and quiz is worth 1.5 CEs. The Key Note session and quiz is worth 1 CE. The Pechakucha session and quiz is worth 1 CE.
Dr. Joshua Kreimeyer and Dr. Carol M. Smith
Training for Trauma Counseling in the Context of War: Ukraine’s Call for Mental Health Providers.
Ukraine was invaded by Russia most recently in February 2022, creating ongoing mass trauma, casualties, destruction of infrastructure, displacement, and a significant diaspora of refugees across Europe. Ukraine has issued a call for mental health providers to help their citizens even in the context of ongoing war. Presenters describe a novel model for training mental health care providers in Ukraine, with keen attention on the unique needs created by ongoing danger. Trauma-competent counseling is required for effective mental health care for those under extreme stress (Levers, 2022; Smith; 2018; 2022; Webber & Mascari, 2018). Trauma-competent counseling in the ongoing context of war presents an added dimension for ethical and cultural sensitivity due to the intense experiences of the citizens of Ukraine. The topic is especially salient for counselors and mental health providers throughout Europe because they are neighbors of Ukraine, and many European countries are hosting Ukrainians fleeing from active combat, with harrowing stories of survival. This presentation describes the challenges and successes of meeting the immediate mental health care needs for people under extreme duress. Presenters have over 30 years combined experience and credentials in mental health care, trauma-competent care, international relations, and on-the-ground, relevant experience in Ukraine.
Presentation provides context of doing therapeutic work in a country under current military invasion. Aspects include practical steps for setting up a retreat model of care, the specific and current needs of Ukraine, lessons learned in the ongoing program and its expansion in Ukraine, and coordination with the International Association for Resilience and Trauma Counseling (IARTC). Guidance for how to help will be provided. Included will be discussion of next steps and how the European Branch of ACA can help IARTC support the needs of the Ukrainian people through this or a similar program.
Objective 1: Describe the cultural constructs and ethics of a retreat model for training mental health care providers in the context of ongoing war.
Objective 2: Name at least two practical and cultural considerations for coordinating a retreat for mental health care providers on trauma-competent counseling.
Objective 3: Name at least two Ukrainian cultural values related to trauma and resilience in the context of war.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at european.counseling.aca@gmail.com.
EB-ACA is continuing to monitor the outbreak of COVID-19 and will communicate updates on the 2022 hybrid conference as needed.
Twitter: @euro_branch_aca
Facebook: @eurobranchaca
Instagram: @european_branch_aca